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♥ Book Hugs and Reviews ♥

I am passionate about hugs, reading books, and family. Hugs in all forms are necessary to life ♥ One of my favorite hugs is reading. Any book regarding any topic, any time. ☺

Currently reading

The Taste of Innocence (Cynster, #14)
Stephanie Laurens
When the Devil Drives
Christopher Brookmyre
Voodoo Spells
Sam Hammack
The Maze Runner (Maze Runner, #1)
James Dashner
Blood Skies (Blood Skies, #1)
Steven Montano
Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë, Daphne Merkin
Taryn's Wolf
Marisa Chenery
A Perfect Blood
Kim Harrison
Lux in Shadow
R.G. Alexander
Erica Ridley

Lightning Only Strikes Twice

Lightning Only Strikes Twice - Stanalei Fletcher This story feels so real. It doesn't read like a time travel fairy tale romance; the characters are much more than just a romance and I just loved it. I started reading this as a free read from Amazon and could not stop reading...so I reviewed it on Amazon and here.

I would really like to read more books with that mysterious Nez Perce shaman in them...Please!