I just love... or is it really hate this book. Anahara, the quintessential good girl, has never been kissed, doesn't watch TV or drink or smoke or get mad or cuss even in a minor way; falls for the ultimate, baddest of the bad: Cain, Adam's firstborn son. Inac Adamson (Cain) controls the world through an organization he originated and there is nothing he (or they) wouldn't do to obtain what he wants. What Inac says he wants now is Anahara's death. Everything hinges on 'the prophecy' but no one has enough information to direct the outcome or even knows what the outcome will be.
This book asks questions. Hard questions. Can there really be free will if any part of life is controlled by destiny? Can something really be wrong if it is necessary for human survival? What is the real difference between right/good and wrong/evil? I'm not sure there are any single answers to any of these questions or that finding the answers would change anything, past, present, or future. What I do know is that I couldn't read this book without becoming emotionally involved in the outcome and will be continuing the series... because I have to.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from the author, A.D. Seeley, through the Modern Good Reads group on Goodreads.